New Model Army - Unbroken Tour
New Model Army - Unbroken Tour
Troubadour Presents

New Model Army - Unbroken Tour

Magnet House (Perth, WA)
Saturday, 10 May 2025 7:00 pm
42 days away
18 Plus

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Troubadour Presents the first ever Australian tour for New Model Army

Formed in Bradford, UK in 1980, New Model Army are storming through their fifth decade and show no signs of letting up. 

New Model Army’s 16th studio album ‘Unbroken’ was released in January 2024 to critical acclaim and reached top positions in official album charts all around the world. 

Full of guitars, searing vocals and with the emphasis on bass and drums which characterises all their work, Unbroken has quickly been embraced by fans who find the band as powerful and poetic as ever on the new record.

It’s also a huge year in touring for the band with their calendar featuring in excess of 100 live performances, in over 20 different countries, in 2024. 

Passionately independent New Model Army continue to thrill fans spanning generations with their live shows and recorded work. 

They recently released a live double concert album ‘Sinfonia’ in September 2023 – a unique performance recorded with the Sinfonia Leipzig Orchestra at the Tempodrom venue in Berlin. 

New album ‘Unbroken’ is out now